Find out why more and more Brides are following our 9 day guaranteed weight loss cleanse

  • May 6, 2014 10:01 am
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    Find out why more and more Brides are following our 9 day guaranteed weight loss cleanse


    One thing that’s on the minds of many brides is losing weight to look even more beautiful on their wedding day. For some the stress of organising a wedding leads to inch loss, others try crazy diets where hardly any food is eaten, but there are healthier ways allowing brides (and grooms) to lose weight whilst stay healthy with a nutritious diet.

    This is where Forever helps. Forever has designed it’s Forever Nutri-Lean Programme, as a weight management plan that can be adapted to the needs of many. It is nutritious, enjoyable and easily fits into your every day life.

    The Forever Nutri-Lean Programme is a simple two step process using some excellent natural products. It combines a 9 day nutritional cleansing plan followed by a long-term weight loss plan.

    Step 1, known as Clean 9, is a 9 day plan helping you feel cleaner, healthier and fitter. First, your body is thoroughly cleansed and then it starts to break down fat whilst allowing full absorption of nutrients. It’s a detox with the added benefit of weight loss and many lose 7-12lbs on this plan. Throughout the 9 days, full support and advice is given, not just from me but also lots of people on our Facebook support group who have done the Clean 9 and seen amazing results. Clean 9 is a great kickstart to a healthier way of living.

    If further weight loss is required, people can then go to Step 2, Forever Nutri-Lean, a longer term weight management plan, which continues to help your body cleanse, whilst burning your store fat cells.

    Your health will improve, your skin will glow, your nails will grow – two more benefits to help you look stunning on your wedding day – and, if fully committed, the good habits you develop on the programme can stay with you for life.

    You remember Pop Idol winner Michelle McManus, a larger than life lady, well she’s had great results after seeing her friend look amazing – “Not only had my friend lost a noticeable amount of weight but also looked years younger. It was almost like her skin had been magazine airbrushed then sprinkled with tinker bell fairy dust”.

    It is also widely known that Victoria Beckham uses the Clean 9 cleanse to keep her body in tip top shape. If that isn’t enough, Cosmopolitan magazine regularly features the Clean 9 and Nutri-lean programmes in the LUST HAVE section.

    For more information, take a look at and click on shop or

    Quintin and Sarah Smith can also be contacted by email on

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