Boxercise Bootcamp




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Boxercise Bootcamp

Often referred to as the ‘weight loss workout’ our Boxercise Bootcamp classes are high energy, the ultimate boxing aerobic workout, challenging but fun and friendly. Fun fitness games, core stability, kickboxing, pad work and circuit training are all included.
When you try our amazing high Intensity classes you will see the difference and be back for more. Attend alone or with a partner you will never feel left out but will meet loads of friendly new people that have found the true alternative to faceless gyms and boring workouts.

Boxercise fitness boot camp is open to adults and kids, male and female. All fitness levels and abilities are welcome. Training to the beat of the music, our qualified fitness instructors will guide you through all the boxing punches to ensure you train safely, effectively and within your limits. Each participant can work at their own rate and can take breaks as and when required. We guarantee the most awesome total body workout that is challenging but great fun and a serious alternative to gym workouts. Meet lots of new people, lose weight and get fit together!

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